The president of the European Central Bank (ECB), Christine Lagarde, says Europe is falling behind in the global money race and may soon launch a new digital version of the […]
Central banks around the world are rushing to prepare digital replacements for their notes and coins. But the most critical question of all regarding state digital money remains unresolved. Will […]
The United States’ position at the centre of global financial system is at risk because of the country’s ageing money infrastructure, according to a former government insider. “We must future-proof […]
The leading cryptocurrency’s design features cause it to behave weirdly: the more speculators buy bitcoin, the greater the short-term downward pressure on its price. “There are two features of bitcoin […]
Leaked prototypes of China’s new central bank digital currency (CBDC) suggest the country will use mobile phone-based money to challenge US control of the global financial system. According to media […]
Although they haven’t yet reached fruition, plans to issue government-backed digital currencies in the world’s two largest economies appear to be moving forward in the wake of the economic disruption […]
The UK’s central bank has called for public input regarding the design of a new national digital currency amidst what it calls a revolution in payments. In a discussion paper […]
Everyone outside the country is expecting the arrival of China’s new sovereign digital currency. President Xi has recently been singing the praises of blockchain technology, the infrastructure for the new […]
Emerging markets are at the forefront of the race to develop central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), and all eyes are on China. That’s the main conclusion of a new Bank […]
The US lawmakers who grilled Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg for six hours last week appeared to speak from a position of power. But the tough talk could disguise fundamental weakness. […]
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