
UK fractures EU fintech consensus

In 2000 the European Union published its first electronic money directive—showing remarkable foresight about the potential future growth of digital payments. Europe’s early introduction of comprehensive rules for e-money has […]

Hard assets hit new highs

The slump in the US dollar is beginning to accelerate. The gold price leapt to a new all-time high in early trading on Monday 27 July, with silver and bitcoin […]

Twitter hack leads to coinjoin spat

Wednesday’s dramatic Twitter hack has led to a spat between a firm of cryptocurrency investigators and a provider of bitcoin privacy software. More than a fifth of the funds raised […]

Risks lurk in fintech sector

Wirecard’s collapse raises questions about the future growth of the financial technology sector. Do no harm—the pre-paid card If you’re in search of financial products that harm consumers, you don’t […]

No easy fix for remittance costs

There’s no easy way to address the frictions affecting global money flows, says the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI), which looks after the safety and efficiency of the […]

FCA ends light-touch e-money regulation

The UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has signalled an end to the light-touch regulation of payment and electronic money (e-money) firms, which have been at the forefront of the UK’s […]

Breaking tech platforms’ grip

A European data market will help break the grip of large digital platforms like Facebook, Google, Apple and Amazon, says Michael Salmony, our guest on the latest New Money Review […]