Social network Telegram is abandoning its plans to launch a new blockchain, the firm announced yesterday in a blogpost from its chief executive, Pavel Durov. Together with the recent decision […]
In an updated version of its white paper, released today, the Libra Association says it is scaling back its initial plans for a global payments medium and instead focusing on […]
Earlier today, in an attempt to combat the business slump caused by the coronavirus, the UK tore up the economics textbooks by embracing direct central bank financing of the government’s […]
Tokens—smart digital claims on assets—are going to completely remake financial markets, predicts author and technologist David Birch. Meanwhile, China’s state-backed digital currency experiment could accelerate a global power shift from […]
Central banks may need to provide further emergency support to the non-bank financial system, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) warned in an article published in the Financial Times on […]
A breakdown in the supply chain for deliveries of physical gold is causing a dramatic deterioration in the liquidity of the wholesale gold market. According to Ross Norman, a commentator […]
New technology offers a massive boost to the resiliency, accessibility and transparency of the financial system, says Alex Batlin, CEO of Trustology, our guest in the latest New Money Review […]
Investors seeking refuge from the equity market meltdown in gold and bitcoin have so far faced losses. But this is a buying opportunity in both assets, say market observers. Amidst […]
When trying to stimulate economies by imposing negative interest rates, central banks run into a problem: they can’t stop money leaking out of the banking system and into cash. Around […]
According to CoinDesk, the MakerDAO protocol that underlies automated lending on the ethereum blockchain has run out of collateral, threatening its solvency. MakerDAO faces an emergency shutdown with $4 million […]
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