India’s government said yesterday it plans to launch a digital version of its national currency later this year or in 2023. The country’s finance minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, said in her […]
In the last decade we’ve seen four massive leaks of data from offshore financial centres: the Panama, Paradise and Pandora papers and the FinCEN files. No-one knows who leaked this […]
In the latest New Money Review podcast, technologist Martin Walker tells Paul Amery how the cryptocurrency bubble has wasted huge amounts of capital and is only one of several interconnected […]
The US central bank has set out its thoughts on a possible future digital currency (CBDC) in a widely awaited discussion paper, released yesterday. In the paper, the Federal Reserve […]
Russia’s central bank, the Bank of Russia, has called for a ban on cryptocurrency, including the issuance, trading, investment in and mining of these digital assets. In a 37-page consultation […]
The UK government has announced new measures to crack down on misleading promotions of cryptocurrencies and crypto tokens. In a statement released this morning, the government says it will ensure […]
As China launches its state digital currency, the US and UK appear to be stepping away from the idea. Full steam ahead in China Last week China took another big […]
Public infrastructures such as government identity schemes and payment systems can help address the risk of a big tech takeover of the digital economy, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) […]
Following this week’s forced shutdown of their activities in Kazakhstan, bitcoin miners face a rapidly shortening list of countries in which to place their equipment. On 5 January, Kazakh authorities […]
It took less than a week for Mozilla, the non-profit behind popular web browser Firefox, to backtrack on a New Year’s resolution to accept more funding in cryptocurrency. “Last week, […]
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