In the latest episode of the New Money Review podcast I’m delighted to welcome Tim Congdon, an economist and leading advocate of monetarism. After a successful career in the City, […]
Two events in the last fifteen years have fundamentally altered the way the financial system operates—and neither was planned by global policymakers. The great crash of 2008 stopped banks from […]
The US lawmakers who grilled Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg for six hours last week appeared to speak from a position of power. But the tough talk could disguise fundamental weakness. […]
The world’s central banks are proving reticent to introduce digital currencies, despite mounting market pressures for them to do so, according to a new report from the Bank for International […]
Judging by the volume and the heat of the headlines they generate, cryptocurrencies touch something deep in the human psyche. But the contradictory nature of those headlines may leave you […]
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